Mementos II

VIew of filter plant property under construction from hill above Prendergast

Filter plant construction site 1930.

Filter plant rock pond area. Corralitos Market in background.

The Davis/Jensen packing shed can be seen across from entrance of

Harry Davis' packing shed.

Employees at Davis' packing shed 1913. Bradshaw collection.

Rear of Ceschi Hall once located on Corralitos Road in open space between
555 and 559 .

Alvin Totten's father, Reuben, and grandfather, Joseph, bringing wood
out of Eureka Canyon in 1914.

Raymond Bradshaw at home at 563 Corralitos Road 1926.

Joyce Rippy and Billy Fraser at 547 Corralitos Road 1947.

Joyce Rippy and (Richard Forrester?)

Nina Reitenour with 5th and 6th graders 1949 (Name list available
by email)

Corralitos School Halloween late 1950s

Eighth Grade Class of 1960

Faculty of 1960

The Corralitos Cowboys Marching Band Sacramento performance

Eureka Canyon schoolhouse

Eureka Canyon School class with Mrs. O'Leary (Name list available by email)

Alvin Seale entertaining at home at 355 Corralitos Road

Corralitos Country Fair 1966

Corralitos Country Fair 1966

Warren Russell

Florence Amidon eighth grade graduation

Back left to right: Bud Bradshaw, Frank Nistetter, L. Lopes Stanley and
Grover Russell.
Front left to right Chap Arro, Reuben Totten, Edgar Nistetter, Clarence

Brown's Valley circa 1919. Free Methodist Church is on the left and Eureka
Canyon Road is on the right.
